Tell us a bit about what a potty training consultant does.
I love this question! So, as a potty training expert, families come to be feeling overwhelmed by the flood of contradicting potty training information that is out there on the internet and social media. They often have hit a roadblock or haven’t even begun the process yet due to paralyzed anxiety and confusion over what route to take on this BIG milestone. After many years of research of learning about what potty training methods work for specific personality types, needs, likes, dislikes, family lifestyles, etc. and having worked with almost 10,000 families, I have a wealth of knowledge and can create a specific and easy-to-follow road map for each family depending on their unique circumstances. When a family comes to me and explains their situation, I create a plan for them to follow and give them the answers upfront, plus provide them with ongoing support as they execute the plan, which saves them SO much time and stress. When the trial and error factor is eliminated for their child’s potty training journey, less confusion is created and this transitional time can be a fun and bonding experience between both parent and child! I could talk about what I do as a potty training consultant all day because I LOVE what I do!
What are some common challenges parents face when potty training their children, and how do you address them?
The most common potty training roadblocks parents and toddlers struggle with revolve around:
Power struggles
Power struggles are usually a child's way of seeking control. The same age that kiddos are ready for potty training usually coincides with the age when they start to seek autonomy and independence. It's a perfect storm for power struggles to arise! The best way to handle a power struggle is to prevent it before it starts. Giving your child simple, age appropriate choices while maintaining clear, consistent expectations is my number one recommendation to help a child feel involved and in control. For example, "Do you want to use the potty upstairs or downstairs?" or "Would you like to read a book or sing a song while you sit?" Also - never ASK your child if they need/want to go potty. The answer will most likely always be "no." Instead, when you notice their need to go, offer a gentle prompt so there's no room for arguments!
So many parents reach out to me wondering why their child won't tell them when they need to use the potty! This usually stems from the initial way in which they were introduced to the potty. Kids who are prompted too often or taken to sit on the potty at set time intervals may never get the opportunity to learn their natural urges. If their bladder never fills, it doesn't get a chance to send a signal to the brain saying it's potty time! So while it may result in more accidents at first, it's important to give your child the opportunity to feel what a full bladder feels like. If they show physical signs of needing to go but don't make the move to do so on their own, help them along! Say, "I see you're crossing your legs. That's your body telling you to go potty! Come on, let's go sit." With practice, you'll start to see improvement!
Resistance to pooping on the potty is the number one reason why parents reach out to us.This can be a rather complex issue to treat, but it always starts with assessing for past or ongoing constipation. Pooping on the potty is a big change for kids and can be scary for them, especially if it hurts when they go! There's no miracle cure when it comes to getting poop in the potty, unfortunately, but with proven strategies, it is very possible!
Can you share some effective strategies for starting the potty training process?
Yes! In my free workshop, “5 Things To Start Now To Make Potty Training Easier”, I go over steps that parents can take to prepare for this milestone. Preparation is key! Expect the unexpected. We not only want to prepare ourselves for this transition, but we also need to prepare our children too. Children thrive when they know what to expect. From buying potty gear to creating a countdown system, and starting constructive dialogue with your little one, these steps will lay the groundwork for a successful potty training experience.
How do you handle setbacks or regressions in the potty training journey?
Rome wasn’t built in a day! Toddlers strive to have control. Once the luster of potty training has worn off, some children can experience setbacks in their progress. Don’t panic, this is very normal! Also, don’t expect this. Not all children have regressions. The main cause for regressions is when children may have changes in their lives and their daily routine and they subconsciously find a way to exhibit control over their situation. What’s something they have massive control over? Their bladder and bowels! Regressions often don’t last more than a few weeks though, with the correct and consistent responses from us as parents. Sometimes it's just a matter of taking a step backwards and offering rewards or prompts again, or providing your little one with some extra love and connection until they feel safe and secure in their environment again!
Can you offer advice for parents who are feeling overwhelmed with the potty training process?
First of all, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, I feel you! You’re not alone at all! I have yet to meet a parent who isn’t at least a tiny bit nervous about the potty training process. Potty training is one of the first milestones that a child faces that is largely up to them to tackle and succeed in. This leaves a lot of space for parents to feel helpless and out of control. This is exactly why I exist! To guide, support, and offer suggestions. It’s important to remember that your child will not be going to college in diapers. They WILL pee and poop on the potty and self-initiate one day soon. Sometimes it just takes a little adjusting and help to figure out what strategies work best for them!
What are your favorite products at Copper Pearl?
This is the hardest question yet! Copper Pearl has SO many beautiful prints and fantastic products! The swaddle blankets and footie pajamas were staple items in both my children’s closets. Now that they are older, I love their loungewear and robes for myself! I’m a long-time fan and customer of Copper Pearl and I’ll never stop shouting it from the rooftops!