Dr. Cassidy Freitas is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and mom to three with a virtual group private practice in California where she supports parents navigating fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting. She hosts the top-rated wellness and parenting podcast Holding Space (https://courses.drcassidymft.
What’s a parenting "hack" or mindset shift that most parents overlook but could totally transform their day-to-day life?
One of the biggest game-changers for me has been learning to prioritize and protect my personal margins (aka space in my day to let my mind and body reset). Life as a parent is nonstop, and it’s easy to forget that we need moments of stillness to recharge. These moments don’t just happen—we have to schedule them, like we would a doctor’s appointment or a kids' activity, and then fiercely protect them. For me, it can look like blocking off time on my calendar for a walk, reading, or just sitting in silence with a cup of tea before the kids need to be picked up. When I protect that time, I’m able to show up more fully for my kids and the other people I care about. It’s about giving your brain and heart the space they need to process everything (our brain genuinely needs it), so you can access more presence and patience in those chaotic moments of parenting.
How do you respond to the pressure to be the "perfect parent", especially with social media amplifying everyone's highlights?
Oh, the pressure to be perfect—it’s so real, especially with social media! I’ve had my fair share of bathroom hideouts after a tough parenting moment, where I’m trying to get some space but end up scrolling (and comparing). We’re actually wired to compare, it’s the part of us that looks to see what others are doing in a new environment or season (like parenting) While social media can help us connect and find supportive resources, it can also feed us a constant highlight reel of other people's lives. But here’s the thing: perfect doesn’t exist, and chasing it is a losing game. I’ve had to remind myself over and over that social media is curated—it doesn’t show the messy middle where we all live. When I feel that pressure creeping in, I try to pause and remember that my kids don’t need a perfect parent; they just need me, showing up as I am, flaws and all. There’s so much freedom in embracing that realness and letting go of the perfection illusion.
What’s your best advice for a parent whose day is falling apart and nothing seems to be going right?
When your day is falling apart (and we’ve all been there!), I always say: repair is your superpower. Truthfully, repair moments with my kids have been the most impactful conversations we’ve had. Things are going to go wrong—what matters most is how we come back from it. Don’t be afraid to ask for space or support, whether that’s from a partner, a friend, or even taking a breather by yourself. Moving your body helps, too—I love putting on some music and dancing with my kids, or just getting outside for a quick walk. And if all else fails, remember that sleep can be magic. If sleep has been hard to get, taking steps to protect parental sleep can be a game changer for the whole family.
Tell us about your podcast, "Holding Space." What’s the most important thing you hope listeners take away?
Holding Space is a project close to my heart. It’s where I sit down with experts and parents from all over to talk about the real stuff—pregnancy, postpartum, parenting, relationships, emotional wellness, and so much more. I wanted to create a space where we can talk openly about the messy, imperfect parts of life, because that’s where we live. My hope is that listeners feel less alone in their experiences and walk away with some practical tools or steps to help them navigate the challenges they’re facing. We’ve covered everything from postpartum rage to picky eating to getting sleep while breastfeeding to sharing the load with your partner. I want parents to feel heard, supported, and with practical steps to take next.
How do you cope with the emotional rollercoaster of the postpartum period, and what strategies have helped you?
The postpartum period is such a rollercoaster, and it’s something that’s so often underestimated. Therapy has been a lifeline for me in getting through those highs and lows (yes, I’m a therapist who has been to therapy too!) After my first (who just turned 13!), I struggled with postpartum anxiety, and I didn’t get the support I needed right away. I was scared to admit the scary thoughts I was having. It wasn’t until I finally opened up to someone, and experienced their care, that I decided to reach out for professional support. It turns out shame can’t fester when we feel seen and connected! With my second, I was much more intentional about setting up a support system from the start. If you’re in that space now, I can’t recommend reaching out for support enough—whether it’s through therapy (like at my group practice, drcassidymft.com) or finding a community where you can feel seen and supported. You don’t have to do it alone.
How did your support system help you during your postpartum journey, and what advice would you give to new moms seeking support?
With my first, I thought I could do it all, and we were never meant to do this alone. My partner was also dealing with depression at the time, which isn’t talked about enough—dads can go through it too. By the time I had my second, I knew I needed a different plan. We lined up nighttime help, set up meal trains, and got clear on our boundaries and needs. It made such a difference. My advice for new moms is this: don’t wait until you’re in the thick of it. Start building your support system early—whether it’s connecting with a therapist, communicating needs with your family, or even hiring a postpartum doula.
What are your favorite products at Copper Pearl?
I have to say, I’m obsessed with Copper Pearl’s holiday family pajamas! There’s something about matching family PJs that just makes the holidays feel extra cozy and fun. We started this tradition with my kids, and it’s become such a sweet way to kick off the holiday season. Plus, they’re super soft, so that’s a win in my book!